Atlanitc City Tropicana Hotel - Stayin' Alive

- Product code: P8VEE4
For a special day of unforgettable entertainment and gaming
excitement travel to Atlantic City, New Jersey to see a matinee performance of Stayin’
Alive “One Afternoon of the Bee
Gees” at the Tropicana
Showroom at the Tropicana
Casino. Stayin’ Alive offers the audience songs and sights of a full Bee
Gees play list, singing blockbusters such as
“Night Fever,” “Jive Talkin’,”
“How Deep Is Your Love,” “You Should Be
Dancing,” “Nights on Broadway,” and
“Stayin’Alive”. It is an
afternoon filled with hit after hit. Stayin’
Alive is the largest production of its kind, offering
big screen video clips, photos, and dazzling imagery.
This quintessential tribute band to the Bee
Gees immerses you in the high-powered excitement
of a live performance and captures the sound mystique of the
brothers’ Gibb in concert7:00 AM Saint Clair: C&R Bus Tours 119 Industrial Park Rd Saint Clair, PA. - TOUR PARKING IS ON RIGHT SIDE OF BUILDING
Will Depart Tropicana @ 6:00 PM
excitement travel to Atlantic City, New Jersey to see a matinee performance of Stayin’
Alive “One Afternoon of the Bee
Gees” at the Tropicana
Showroom at the Tropicana
Casino. Stayin’ Alive offers the audience songs and sights of a full Bee
Gees play list, singing blockbusters such as
“Night Fever,” “Jive Talkin’,”
“How Deep Is Your Love,” “You Should Be
Dancing,” “Nights on Broadway,” and
“Stayin’Alive”. It is an
afternoon filled with hit after hit. Stayin’
Alive is the largest production of its kind, offering
big screen video clips, photos, and dazzling imagery.
This quintessential tribute band to the Bee
Gees immerses you in the high-powered excitement
of a live performance and captures the sound mystique of the
brothers’ Gibb in concert